Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
The Alternative Power and Energy Plan for Bangladesh
The corporate interest driven energy and power generation system has massively affected the global environment, agriculture and water bodies; it also caused global conflict, war and occupation. The conventional ideas of development have largely failed to accommodate the basic needs of people and ecology. In the same policy frame work the governments of Bangladesh have been working to ensure profit for few. While consequent governments of Bangladesh have been pursuing corporate controlled, private profit centric, debt dependent and environmentally disastrous energy and power policy, a strong democratic peoples movement has also emerged to resist this. The movement on the one hand put demand to scrap anti-people and anti-environment deals, it advances the vision of equity, pro-environment energy security and pro-people technological advancement on the other.
To reflect peoples aspiration the National Committee worked hard to find an alternative energy and power plan, containing the vision of a progressive, egalitarian, democratic, pro-nature, and pro-human development model. Relying on two decades long experience of peoples’ movement, along with a yearlong research, investigation, and dialogues with a large number of scientists, environmentalists, engineers, and renewable energy experts from all around the world, National Committee is delighted to present this pro-people, pro-environment master plan for the people of Bangladesh to meet energy and power demand. This alternative plan proposed by the National Committee has prioritized people’s ownership of all natural resources, protection of environment, development of national capability, and the use of environmental friendly technology. We would like to ensure a democratic way of participation of people and experts around the globe in the process of develop it further and implement it.
We welcome your feedback and active participation in the process. Click Here to download the draft.